Заметки 241-258
- DockBarX doesn't show volume control
- Ubuntu Add Systemtray
- Fix Grub
- Copy file to/from remote machine available via ssh:
- Start dockbarx on second monitor
- Minimize disk writes
- Kill application that uses port
- Set keyboard layout
- Make app (re)Start Automatically and restart on failure (systemd)
- Unity disabled in compiz, but no menus in applications
- Find machine on network
- JQ
- Boot from real USB disk/drive in VirtualBox
- Expose all local ports
- Working with windows
- glib.GError: Icon ... not present in theme
- System.Exception: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files
- SparkleShare manual sync